..because I don't have my tripod to set up my camera, since we have been taking pics at my office. BUT I did make a quick video montage of my last weekend which was INSANE!
Check it out!
Once I bring my tripod back, it will be business as usual!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A post, but not a video blog...
Posted by T-Atoms at 11/24/2009 11:22:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Belle Salle, Justice, Le Baron, Roppongi, Tokyo, Xavier de Rosnay
Thursday, November 19, 2009
My finished track, Oh great!
I am finally done!
Any comments welcome!
Download away!
Oh Great!
Posted by T-Atoms at 11/19/2009 02:49:00 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
My new dubstep track! (unfinished)
Check out a sample of Oh Great!
Posted by T-Atoms at 11/11/2009 11:14:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Episode 4 is UP!
This covers my 2 week absence due to being sick!
Lots of Halloween fun, my stuff from Nagoya came, and future plans!
Check it out!
Posted by T-Atoms at 11/07/2009 08:56:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ageha, Halloween, Japan video blog
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Episode 3 of the video blog is UP!
Check it out!
Festivals and weekend partying...
Next week, Halloween party, and MAYBE a night out...
Posted by T-Atoms at 10/22/2009 12:51:00 AM 1 comments
Friday, October 16, 2009
Episode 2 of video blog is UP!
This time, I go over my time in Califonia!
Check it out!
Posted by T-Atoms at 10/16/2009 09:45:00 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Started a video blog! Episode one is UP!
I have been neglecting typing stuff since I have been taking in the sights, sounds and vibe of my new life. Since I had been taking sooo much video, i thought, what the heck, let me get more of my money's worth out of this Mac and make a video blog!
Which brings us to: Episode 1!
Posted by T-Atoms at 10/07/2009 12:39:00 AM 4 comments
Thursday, September 03, 2009
It's been a while! I am BACK in Japan, round 2!
So after my 5.5 weeks in Cali I returned to Japan and stayed with my friend's Alana/Ryan for a day (the second night I was with Nayo and Chaki, at Chaki's working till morning). You will hear the results of that eventually... :)
So that Friday I trained it up to Omiya to train for my new position (same company, but now that I work in Kanto, things are done different, and I will also teach kids, so I had to).
This training group was great! We all got along (for the most part, a few...INTERESTING personalities, which caused minor drama...I tried my best to keep some things in...) and went out quite a bit. First Saturday night out, we headed out to a rooftop party near Omote Sando, which set the week off right, with everyone getting a taste of the Tokyo party life. I think everyone had fun! This kicked off a week of a busy stressful (for some) week of training, but I think everyone did great! No one cried, everyone learned a lot, and we all rocked our demo lessons, and stayed somewhat energetic throughout the week! So of course, on the last night, we partied!
Thanks to Chaki getting us on the list, we all had a great night at Club Asia in Shibuya. Due to alcohol and the smoke in the club (welcome to Japan, hell, welcome to clubbing!) we had people leave the club early, not able to re-enter. The 3 that stayed behind, got to see me go up on stage with Chaki and do Stay Faceless, maybe for the last time... Glad they saw it! Back stage in the VIP I got to see and surprise the Dex Pistols (they know I lived in Nagoya, and when I told them I live in Tokyo now, they were shocked I made the move), met and talked to Verbal from m-flo/Teriyaki Boyz (also got a pic with him) and the most random surprise guest was Surkin! Dunno why he was there, but took a pic with him and was shocked to see he didn't do a THING, but show up, then leave! Haha! Morning came and we returned home.
That evening we headed to Odaiba to eat, and check out the giant Gundam! Damn was that thing amazing!
The next day I took 2 others to Akihabara to look for some electronics, but oddly enough I met up with my friend Jason from Nagoya and his friend Tam. So random. They ended up hanging up with us till the end of the night, which ended in Koenji, drunk in the rain, unable to see the festival (Awaodori) that we went there to see! It ended up a great night just hanging out, and eventually led to a Hub (popular bar for foreigners in Nagoya, but the one in Shinjuku was all Japanese, besides our group) then back home to prepare and clean for our move to our new schools!
We woke up and had to clean, sign our "legacy poster" and get all of our stuff downstairs and ready, in our suits, EARLY....
...in a typhoon...
Yeah, this was a tough morning.
We all said our good byes and headed to our respective schools.
I arrived at Kawasaki station and was met by my new manager, who is SUPER SWEET and gets the manager job done, without having that "manager-like" presence. She took me to the school, introduced me to staff, and then took me to get registered to the city of Yokohama, where I live! We then went to my apartment, where the assistant manager picked us up from a cafe (to stay out of the rain) and I carried all of my stuff up (I felt bad for her having to load it into her car! It was heavy!) and saw my apartment for the first time!
It is about the same size in total compared to my old apartment, maybe just slightly larger. The room itself is smaller than the old one, but from the entry to the room, is much larger and spacious, and my balcony is actually functional! But with a view of more apartments...
Plus it is waaaay convenient! Post Office and supermarket across the street. Convenience store and another supermarket 2 minutes to the left. Large Supermarket/Department store and an electronics store about 6 minutes away. Station is 5 minutes away and next to it...an Ohsho (my fav CHEAP Chinese food place!).
My office is even more convenient! Another Ohsho nearby. Next to a Yodabashi Camera, upstairs from Krispy Kreme, in a LARGE department/shopping/restaurant store. Across the station from a Bic Camera, California Pizza Kitchen, and LAAAARGE shopping mall. All of this without officially leaving Kawasaki station. I need a month to learn this area...
So far work has been great! I observed classes my first day and taught two classes yesterday (my second day). I did an interview on my first day, and she signed up! I did the same thing 3 years ago at Chikusa. Full circle. Today is my third day, and I will teach my first kids class (they are 2 years old!). I have been warned about a boy in particular, and he just happened to be in the office yesterday. He was crying with his mom, grandma, older bro and sis, and I got worried. He saw me, I talked/played with him and he got all energetic and started laughing! On his way out and down the hall, he shouted "Tommy-teacher is interesting/funny!" in Japanese. This made all of the staff smile and laugh, and me relieved...Today I teach him... Let's see how THAT goes!
So far so good here in Kawasaki/Yokohama!
Oh, my camera USB cable is at Ryan's so I can't upload a lot of pics, but when I upload them I will upload some good pics from the past 2 weeks. There are some good ones!
Posted by T-Atoms at 9/03/2009 08:38:00 AM 4 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
In Cali now! Check out my videos as I upload from my iPhone!
I have been taking a load of videos on my iPhone and upload them when I have wifi available! Check them out to see what I am doing while home for 4 more weeks!
My youtube page!
Posted by T-Atoms at 7/20/2009 02:48:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 09, 2009
This is it....Good bye Nagoya!
I am here in my apartment, organizing things for the last time, before I go to a hotel! Tomorrow morning at this time, I will be on a plane to Korea for my transfer to California!
3 years, wow... It went by sooo quick but I have another exciting life ahead of me in Tokyo/Kawasaki/Yokohama!
This is going to be short and sweet because my power will be shut off soonish and I will lose internet, so I probably won't be posting again until I get to California, or from my iPhone today!
See everyone on the other side!
Posted by T-Atoms at 7/09/2009 10:04:00 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
5.15 DAMIEN event!!!
OPEN 22:00
TOKYO NEW MODE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _dj TEAM
【 myspace 】http://www.myspace.com/teenagekicks0311
【 Kicks Channel】http://jp.youtube.com/discoteenagekicks
東京アンダーグラウンドエレクトロシーンの中で、飛び抜けた個性と輝きを放つ脅威の2ピースDJチーム。極限まで歪んだビートをズタズタに解体していく唯一無二のD.I.N.M.A styleを武器に,感度の高いFashonistaや独自のRaveサウンドに魅了されたParty Peopleから熱狂的な支持を得ている。その1st MixCDのリリースを控えているTEENAGE KICKS代表DEATHがDAMIENに参戦。
因みにカンバッチのデザインはROCK ARTでお馴染みのカズヤ君にやってもらいました。
そしてDAMIEN DDDJ'sは==!
/ DOOR:2000円
info: domina
Posted by T-Atoms at 5/12/2009 10:21:00 PM 3 comments
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Golden Week is upon me!
And I have zero plans!
The last weekend was eventful...
I DJed my last show with my whole DJ crew (I have one with just Shane, and one with just me and my favorite Japanese DJ crew here in Nagoya!) and it was a great vibe, but it was ruined by people who thought it would be a great idea to tell my most recent ex (I can NOT ever get a good girl for me! They are great girls, just not for me. Probably because I am bad?) that I had a new girl (the girl is not my girlfriend yet, but I went on a first date with her the day after breaking up with the ex, and one thing led to another and...). This left me with people coming up left and right telling me my ex was bitching about me and saying I am horrible person. A huge 100% downer on such a great night. I walked to the station alone after we DJed just reflecting on the situation, because I now have an ex who thinks I cheated on her, and friends I can't trust.
The same day, after going home to sleep, I went to watch Shane DJ at a Happy Hardcore event. That brought back memories! I also got the Storm Trooper Hoodie I wish I had for my event! A day late!
Shane started and finished early and we hung out a bit, but then I caught an early train home, came home and slept for the only day of work I had this week.
We all went to Sakae's Hub (normal drinking spot for many people) and just relaxed and thought of our upcomming vacation.
Which led to yesterday and the great plan of sitting on my butt (stomach?) and playing video games all day.
I have a date today with a 23 year old girl who does black hair styles, so it will be interesting to see how this goes...
Posted by T-Atoms at 4/30/2009 11:07:00 AM 4 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
A new mix I did!
I usually keep my music on my other blog, but I am damn proud of this mix!
Please check it out and comment!
I have a lot of events coming up! If you are in Nagoya, contact me and I will give ya the 411!
T-Atoms' Mild Electro Mix
Posted by T-Atoms at 4/13/2009 04:27:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: T-Atoms Electro Mix
Life got the best of me! But I am posting!
Man oh man! I will give a cliff note version of last weekend and this most recent weekend!
4/4/09 Bought a new flash for my DSLR
Did farewell party for my manager
DJed an event, where my whole school staff went to, drunk, and had a blast.
Partied till 6AM, took train home, checked email, showered went to meet my student to go to her temple (mind you, I haven't slept yet).
Total time in transportation and at the temple was about 10 hours.
Went home, changed into casual clothes to go to my friend's farewell party, where we had all we can drink. I drank WAY too much! This was followed up with clubbing until morning.
Got home, slept until 9am, went to dentist. Then spent a day at Inuyama and Meiji Mura with my girlfriend (as of yesterday ex. Loooong story, don't worry about it though) and her parents who were visiting from California! Finished with all you can eat shabu shabu.
Went home and slept...
This last weekend was lax. I went out drinking with friends. One of our friends has a classmate new to Japan, so we took him out.
Next day was mixing some songs together for a mix CD for an event coming up.
Which leads me to now! About to go meet with someone to work on their website for their restaraunt! Money money money!
Posted by T-Atoms at 4/13/2009 04:20:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Vertebrae inflammation!
So after a welcome/farewell party for our new/old Japanese staff, I was riding my bike home and some idiot ran around the corner in front of my bike. The bike's brakes couldnt stop me in time from hitting him so I put my feet down to not hit him. Regardless, he took a step to my right and kept running, didn't even acknowledge what he just made me do...
So I continue up the street for less than a minute to my apartment, and step off my bike. That's when it hit. I had the WORST pain I have ever felt EVER, in my lower back. It made me want to fall to my knees, but I just sat there and tried to stand up. I slowly made my way to my apartment (usually 20 seconds to the 4th floor, it took me about 5 minutes) and into my room where I could barely turn over on my bed. ]]
The next day (yesterday) my head teacher took me to the hospital for X-Rays and they said I had SLIGHT inflammation on the vertebrae right above my tail bone. Slight?! I would hate to have regular! They wanted to give me a shot there to ease it, but I do VERY bad with shots when they aren't expected. Give me an hour heads up at least. For some reason I get nauseous after a sudden injection or shot. I am not scared of shots, because I had to learn of this condition some how, I just don't like feeling nauseous, especially when I have to teach!
So, they gave me a back brace, some shipu (don't know what to call it in English, but think a REALLY big Salonpas, which they DO sell in the U.S.), and some pain meds. I am doing all the measures to get better because I have some plans this weekend (HANAMI!!!) and I want to be prepared!
Posted by T-Atoms at 3/26/2009 11:09:00 AM 3 comments
Times are changing.
As my original crew of misfits are starting to slowly find their ways back home, I find myself having a FEW less reasons to party.
To remedy that, myself and 2 others have re-bought and started playing the original Starcraft and Brood Wars online at night after work.
It has been a great way to get the brain flowing, and remember the good ole High School days when this came out (or was it Junior High? This and Tekken 2 for the original Playstation came out the same day...). I am trying to relearn my tactics and remember how to play, but it is taking me a while, plus my friends are REALLY good! A little more practice and I willl be set!
Posted by T-Atoms at 3/26/2009 11:06:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Starcraft
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Got the word! My next school will be in...
I asked for near Tokyo, and they gave it to me. I am 15 minutes from Tokyo station, from the school I work at! My apartment is within 30 minutes from the school. So... LESS than an hour from Tokyo, from my apartment. SCORE!
I will be teaching for the same company, at Kawasaki station inside of Yodabashi Camera! That is a little dangerous because of my addiction to electronics and video games. Access is way too EASY!
Plus now I will be 300 yen from the events I usually spend 9,600 yen if I take shinkansen, or 4600 if I take a 6 hour bus. 300 yen, 15 minutes. I am set!
I will be teaching kids, which I have never done before, but way excited to do once it is here.
I will be going back home for 4 weeks around July 10th - August 4th (tentative) so anyone back home who wants to hang, let's do it!
Posted by T-Atoms at 3/24/2009 11:51:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I am MOVING to Tokyo!!!
So last weekend I partied hard in Tokyo, but there was another reason as well!
I had my interview in Tokyo to handle as well! It was with the same company, but different region, so it is treated like a different company.
So, I felt extremely confident during my interview, and I got the good vibes from my interviewers, it was just all about waiting for the answer. They told by the end of this week, I would hear from them, and they tried to reach me yesterday, but they didn't have my phone number, only my email. Strange, I got called by them before... Oh well, I got the position!
No details yet, but I will find out on Monday!
Tommy is going to Tokyo!
Posted by T-Atoms at 3/19/2009 11:10:00 AM 5 comments
Labels: Interview PWNED, Tokyo, Tommy wins
OK! By popular (5 people) demand, I will return to active blogging!
I will start by moving my California excerpts from Japanese community site mixi, and throwing them all here!
To those who remember, I went to California last winter with 2 of my friends (one who has yet to TALK to me since returning to Japan. Some "friend"...the other still calls and texts) from Nagoya.
The continuation of the Cali adventure!
Fourth day in California short diary!
I woke up at my dad's and headed back home to see my siter, but first I went to my old office AGAIN, and had a small Christmas party with them! It was so much fun, and we laughed a lot! I also got to meet two girls there who BOTH want to go to Japan and teach like I do!
My old boss and friend Eric were soo happy to see me again, that they invited me to their Christmas Eve party at my friend Eric's house and I went there after going home to sleep for a bit.
When I got to the party, it was obvious, everyone had been drinking! They were playing board games and laughing soooo much! I got to eat one of my favorite Mexican foods, tamales, that their mom cooked, and it was so good! They started telling stories about Christ, and Christmas, and after that, began opening presents.
It got late, so everyone got ready to go home, after packing food that their mom/grandma cooked, and I headed home too, to go sleep!
The next day is Christmas, and the return of the girls to California!
Fifth day in California, short diary! Christmas!
So today was the day the girls return from their short trip to Sedona and White Sands national park.
I bought some more alcohol, and picked them up from the airport, and we went to Mitsuwa so they could buy some Japanese food for themselves.
We headed home, they got to unwind, share pictures of their trip, and we began to eat some of the food my mom cooked for us!
We ate soooo much!
Shortly after, my friends Ken and Kazumi (both Japanese, living and working here in Irvine California!), came and our party turned into a kind of Japanese style nomikai! Lot's of drinking and laughing, until it was time for them to go home and us to sleep!
Sixth day in California, short diary! Lunch, El Torito and bowling!
This day we met with my old manager Kelly, and her friends that I used to hang with in Long Beach.
We went to a great restaurant called Yard House and ate some great food, that was, again, too much for us, with our small Japanese sized stomachs! (yeah me too!)
After lunch and catching up with old friends, we headed to Kelly's house and played Wii with her daughter Jillian, who has taught us some great "knock knock" jokes and how to dance like a hip hop video star!
After Wii, we drove to El Torito (mexican food!) to meet a LOT more friends, and drink and eat!
We all ate and drank a lot, and people even told them it was Akiyo's birthday and we had them sing her the song (in Spanish, and English! They called her Akichita!). After a lot of food and drinks, we headed to the bowling alley for 2 hours of...MORE drinking and bowling!
I had some decent scores the 2 games we played (over 100 at least!) and as soon as it all began, it ended... Sad sad Tommy indeed! But it was great to see my friends and everyone all over again!
Seventh day in California, short diary! Akiyo's birthday!
On this day, we celebrated Akiyo's birthday!
I woke up and prepared the room with decorations and ballons (only 2) and laid out her gifts (from my mom and Mutsumi and I) and did it all while they were sleeping!
It was around 4am, at some random time I woke up, and thought it would be perfect. I set up some streamers and everything, but everytime they would move I would jump behind the couch so they wouldn't see me!
When I finished I went to sleep, but they woke up about 2 houtrs later to the surprise, but I was just waking up again, super tired! Haha.
We sang happy birthday, wore masks, cut and ate cake, and chilled a bit at the apartment before beginning our tour of "The OC"!
Akiyo loves the drama The OC, so we did a small tour of some places from the show! We went to Fashion Island, where I let the girls loose on a 2 hour shopping spree, with expensive results! This was after having a great, but way too filling lunch at California Pizza Kitchen!
After the mall, we headed to Balboa Peninsula, to check out a beach I used to be able to go to and no one was around, but on this day, there were SOOO many people there!
We tried touching the water and it was TOO cold, but we enjoyed walking along the beach and enjoying the weather (which has been GREAT everyday so far, besides the FIRST day the girls arrived!).
After the beach we went to another mall to buy Krispy Kreme (which is half the price of the one in Japan! 6 dollars for a dozen! Japan is 1500 yen!). Then we went to the nearby Virgin Megastore to buy some CDs and blu-ray DVDs! Virgin Megastore is going out of business, so everything is 50 - 70% off! Crazy!
After shopping, we got tired, and returned home to get some rest!
Eight day in California, short diary! Let's go to Los Angeles!
Now this day was fun!
We went to LA, and my best friend Mark joined us!
We started by eating at a FAMOUS hot dog stand called Pink's, where we all ate some very delicious, and BIG hot dogs. We drove up Melrose, looking for the Bathing Ape store, and found it, so we parked and went inside. Once done, we did a bit of walking and shopping in the surrounding area, but did the most at a place called Johnny Cupcakes! This store is about to get big soon and we all think it would be perfect in Harajuku! We all bought something from there!
After this, we went to the Beverly Center in Beverly Hills, where the girls went shopping, and us guys, well, drank... Too much!
When it was time to meet the girls, we were TOO drunk, so we wanted to go get some food and walk it off, but we ran into the girls RIGHT when we got out of the bar! CAUGHT! They thought it was funny, and we all went to get some food and drink, before the drive to Irvine to have dinner with friends!
We made it back, picked up Atsuhi from his place in Irvine, and then we went to Pei Wei, to eat some great asian food (they have a fusion of all types of Asian foods!). After everyone came to my place, to talk, eat cake, and hear the story of me meeting Chaki from the Lowbrows, and making Stay Faceless. I showed everyone pictures from different events in Japan, and soon everyone (besides Mark, who was still gone from the alcohol at the bar), went home for the night!
All in all, we had, Atsushi, Phong and his new fiancee Lynda, Mark, Micah, Akiyo, Mutsumi, and I. The ride back to my apartment was sooo hilarious, but I don't want to post it, because it is WAY inappropriate English, haha!
Ninth day in California, short diary! San Diego!
Mark hung out with us again since he was there anyway, so now I had a shopping buddy for when the girls would leave me to go shop.
Our first stop was Carlsbad Outlets, about 30 or so minutes from San Diego. We did a bit of shopping and I got some good deals on some jeans and shirts (2 jeans, 2 shirts, nice brands, 40 bucks!). We waited till we got to San Diego to eat, where we found a nice outdoor area, where we ate at a restaurant on a pier! The view was great!
After eating, we went to Coronado Island, and visited the Hotel Del Coronado. We walked on the beach, visited the inside of the hotel and walked to a nearby coffee stand, and got some coffee.
We made our way back to the car, took some photos of the amazing view, and made our way back to Orange County.
When we got home, we said our final goodbyes to Mark and went upstairs to drink, relax while talking to Ken.
Tenth day in California, short diary! Not too busy!
We woke up and decided to enjoy the great weather and walk to Fat Burger.
We all did it again, and ate way too much food and just sat in a very nice outdoor eating area.
When we were done, we went to do a little shopping at South Coast Plaza, and then headed to Corona, for dinner with my friend Adam's dad!
We ate at a place called Mill Creek, where we had some great BBQ chicken mini sandwiches. We also ate friend zuccini and onion rings!
I started feeling sick though, almost like I had a cold, and when I got home, I took medicine and went to sleep. Mutsumi also had a rough night from eating too much fried food. Akiyo is the only one not sick of us 3, but she is getting tired!
No pictures from me for the day, but the girls did take pictures. When I get them, I will post!
Eleventh day in California, short diary! New Year's Eve PAAAARTY!
What a day!
We woke up sick, and tired from all of these plans we have had, and we didn't want to do ANYTHING!
I called my boss to let her know, her house sounded like the best idea, since it would be real laid back, but then she told me to call her brother, my friend Eric, and see what he is doing. He told me to call Norman, to see what he was doing, then Norm told me there would be a chill rooftop party in downtown LA.
The girls said they wanted to go, so we did!
Eric and his girlfriend Yen, picke dus up and we made it to Los Angeles a bit later than planned, due to traffic. When we got there, there was pizza waiting for us! We drank a bit then headed to a nearby apartment, to enjoy a gorgeous night view of Downtown LA.
Here we drank a LOT until we decided we got too cold to stay, so we headed to the host's apartment to put the alcohol away, then go find a bar, but we ended up staying at the apartment the whole time!
We drank, danced, talked, took pics, and did the countdown all at the same place! So many good people, very international (Had a girl doing a student exchange from Germany, she was really cool!), and we got to listen to some old school hip hop (not the crap you hear in clubs in Nagoya:( )!
I got BEYOOOOND drunk and my friend Eric drove us all home, after scaring the girls that he was about to pass out when driving (god I laugh so hard when I think about this!), but he was just faking it!
Such a great night! I miss parties like this! They make me want to live in California again...
Twelth day in California, shrot diary! A day of rest...
After such a looooong day, we did nothing but relax.
We went to Jamba Juice to buy something to drink We went to pick up some cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory, and came home to some home cooked food from mom!
A veeeeeery eeeeeeeeeasy day!
Thirteenth day in California, short diary! One last day of shopping...
So this is officially our last day in California. So what better way to spend it than to go shopping in LA one last time!
We headed straight to Johnny Cupcakes!
This is a really cool clothing company, which is kind of like America's "Bape"! Today was LUCKY, because we got to meet the man himseld, Mr. Johnny Cupcakes! I bought 3 shirts, and 6 pins, and the girls got some more shirts and pins. We got to take pics with him, he took pics of us, and he signed our boxes and pictures!
After this, the girl headed to American Apparel, and I went to some vintage T-Shirt shop to buy some AMAZING shirts to wear out and about in Nagoya (I am now addicted to cool T-Shirts).
After this, we were EXTREMELY hungry, we all only ate a little before leaving and it was about 5 PM! So we went back to Irvine, I got a milkshake from In-N-Out, Akiyo a milkshake from Fatburger, all of us some food from El Pollo Loco, AND 2 large pizzas, and a mini pizza!
We barely ate much of it, and went to sleep sick from the amount we COULD eat!
Ken and Kazumi stayed over a bit (Ken lives there!) and I was talking with them with Mutsumi (sometimes) until around midnight, knowing the alarm would go off at 3AM...
The alarm went off, I woke up and showered, and said my good byes to my mom, grandma, and Ken. Ken helped us down with the luggage, and we were off on a shuttle bus!
Now I sit here in LAX, surrounded by Spanish speakers, trying to see what I can pick up, drinking a coffee, and using some free airport internet! Soon I will need a charger, but for now, I will just browse the internet, should last 2 more hours!
View all pics from this trip here!
I will start posting about my life as of recent, so you guys will miss out on pretty much 3 months of my life. Just fill in the holes. It is pretty much the same though. Party, DJ, Party, DJ, and some work thrown in for measure.
Posted by T-Atoms at 3/19/2009 01:46:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: California trip, Return of Tommy
Monday, March 16, 2009
Does anyone still read this?
If so, I will continue updating from where I left off soon. If not, I will get to it when I get to it, hehe.
Posted by T-Atoms at 3/16/2009 02:58:00 PM 6 comments
Monday, January 05, 2009
Third day in Cali! Time with old coworkers again, college professor and my dad's family!
I kept SHORT SHORT diaries on mixi, of every single day, and promised I would rewrite them with more detail here, since people would b able to appreciate the full details here in English! So you will see posts and pics at a rapid succession from me for my whole trip, as long as I have internet and power (at LAX now, 3 hours of sleep, getting free internet, no plug in sight...)
And here it begins...
So my third day found me heading out to my dad's house out in Rialto.
I visitied my old office and college again, to see people I didn't get to see the day before. My old bosses were soooo happy to see me and old me not to lose any more weight! I was flattered because the people I have been hanging out with lately, have been telling me I am chubby! Screw that! I gave everyone some CDs of the songs that I got to be on, and then they made me sign them, in case I become big, they can say they have some originals! After a quick hello, goodbye, see ya later, I headed out to the Inland Empire.
I went to get gas (which is much cheaper than the last time I was here! Almost 3x cheaper!) and headed to and through my old neighborhood (where I spent most of my life!). Driving north on the 57 is something I used to do every weekday to go to work/college full time (none of thise part tme job crap my students get away with in Japan. Or, GASP, not working at all!) or sometimes weekends to visit friends or my ex girlfriend. The drive felt new, yet so familiar!
The weather was way different than it was in Orange County, a lot more gloomy, and the mountains were covered in snow! It was almost like everything got dark suddenly, and I could just see the sunlight and brightness of Orange County in my rear view mirror.
I tried to visit some old friends, but they had all moved, or weren't home! I first tried Jacob Navas' family, to find a For Sale sign up on their lawn! What?!?! They have lived there like forever! I found out later, they moved up to Colorado with Jake! Then I went to visit Jake Holker's family, to get his address and say hi, but no one was home! Just my luck!
I gave up and tried again to buy the Marc Ecko, Star Wars Real Storm Trooper hoodie (parka) I wanted at a mall nearby, but couldn't find it, so I left the mall with my head hung in shame....
Before heading to my dad's I made a quick pit stop at Red Robin to enjoy the return of the A1 Peppercorn Burger! When I first ate at Red Robin years ago, it was the first and only burger I ate! Then one, dark and stormy night, no, one day I went there and the burger was gone! I tried other burgers there, and none did it for me. Red Robin was just average for me. So on my second return to Cali from Japan, the burger was back, and the best thing ever! I killed it in 10 minutes or less, and was on my way out, after paying tip for the first time, since coming back...
I got to my dad's house, and knocked on the door to see him peep his head through the window, but something was different...
His beard was kinda long, and it was ALL white! He let me in, we hugged, and we began talking right off the bat (just like an Adams!). He showed me his stash of liquor and told me to pour whatever I wanted, so I made some rum and cokes, and he drank some whiskey. We had some good talks, he started talking about his childhood, travelling while a Marine, and things I never heard from him before, and soon we were joined by his wife and my half-sister Andrea. We also had my step-niece Lariah, who was in her room watching cartoons. She missed me sooo much, but only really saw me when she was like 2 or 3! Such a cute girl!
Midnight came, and all that was left was my dad and his wife, and they decided to clock out and I went to bed soon after.
A good way to start my vacation, getting drunk with my dad!
Posted by T-Atoms at 1/05/2009 12:13:00 AM 1 comments