Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Yesterday I got a new addition to my family...

...MY NEW HDTV!!!!

It is a 26 inch Sony Bravia (S2000 series) that supports up to 1080i! This thing is a monster in my tiny apartment, so it is perfect. I did spend a pretty penny on it, but so far it has been super worth it! Getting in HDTV signals for free, which has turned out to be a lot of English programming. Soo happy!

After I got the TV I headed down to meet with some of the friends from training. I had to do OT last night so I only had an hour to spare. We did a Starbucks lunch, until I had to leave, then they headed to HRC.

I rushed to my school to prepare for the OT, then headed HOME to change, THEN RUSHED to the next train station, THEN the subway 5 stops to my location. I was met at the station and walked to the company I was working at and the class was fun and easy! I really enjoyed it!

But the most important thing is, now I can watch movies and play games in HD! HOLLA!


Anonymous said...

Man, I'm kinda jealous. I do want an HDTV... but then I go out and look at all the clothing I want and well the tv gets out on hold.

Anonymous said...

And a nice addition it is for that 360.