Sunday, February 25, 2007

Robots are taking all of our jobs!!!

So you know some low IQ people in "civilized" countries, blame lack of jobs on immigration, because most migrant workers will work longer, harder, and cheaper than your average native resident. Well Japan is in trouble. If they don't do something about this, no one will have a job in a few years!

OK so I am talking about an odd sight I witnessed today. After my day of working on my new business venture, I was being dropped off at the train station and noticed a man directing traffic due to construction. As we got closer to the man I noticed something strange. The man appeared lifeless in the face.

I know, so how did I know something was out of the normal despite that?

His arm kept moving up and down at an unnatural pace, and the lights just seemed to reflect off him more than your average human. So when we were right up on it, I was finally able to notice, that the local neighborhood traffic guard, was a robot. I WISH I had my camera with me, but I can always try my best to go back and snap a few pics.

Total # of robots I have seen in Japan, replacing a humans job: 1